Gray (self portrait) // 2022, Acrylic on canvas, 8”x 10”


In His Image (a portrait of Roland Penrose) // 2023, Acrylic on canvas, 24”x 24”


Feeding Time // 2022, Acrylic on canvas, 30" x 24"


Two Figures in a Void // 2022, Acrylic on canvas, 16" x 20"


Consumer // 2022, Acrylic on canvas, 8”x 8”


Speak Easy (Drink Me) // 2022, Gouache on paper, 9” x 8.5”


Portrait of Francis Bacon // 2022, Gouache on paper, 9”x 12”


Study after Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam (Vanishing Point) // 2022, Charcoal on paper 14” x 11”


Predation // 2021, Charcoal + Pan Pastel on paper, 8.25” x 11”



The Hand That Feeds // 2021, Pan Pastel + Charcoal on paper, 11” x 8.25”


Recluse // 2021, India Ink on paper, 9” x 11”


Study after a photograph by David Comora, titled “Remnants of things left behind” (@dacphotography) // 2021, Pan Pastel and Charcoal on paper, 8.25” x 11”

(Unavailable for sale)


Portrait study of Twiggy Lawson // 2021, Watercolor on paper, 9” x 12”

Burning (Vanishing Point) // 2021, Charcoal + Pan Pastel on paper, burned, 7” x 9.5” (SOLD)


Waiting // 2021, Acrylic on cardboard, 9” x 10”